Maya Abdominal Therapy

Abdominal therapy to guide organs into their proper position, improve the flow of blood, lymph, and nerve pathways, and increase the movement of energy.

Arvigo® therapy improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen.

Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, also known as ATMAT, is an external, non-invasive abdominal manipulation to guide organs into their proper position, improve the flow of nutrients to organs, and aid in the removal of toxins. ATMAT is founded on the sacred ancient Mayan techniques to restore optimal blood flow, lymph, nerve, and energy flow throughout your body. Arvigo® therapy improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen. This type of gentle therapy facilities a return of health and well-being in your body.

History of Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on science and ancient traditions from ancient Maya healers which shows in the sacredness of this work. Dr. Rosita Arvigo, an American naturopath, moved to Belize and apprenticed with a Mayan Shaman, Don Elijio Panti, who was famous for his uterine massage techniques and extensive knowledge of rainforest plants. She also learned from a midwife in Belize, Hortence Robinson. Rosita learned along side these healers for over thirty years, and she developed ATMAT from her years of training. Arvigo® therapy addresses reproductive, digestive and urinary challenges and gives clients tools for self care to nurture and heal their bodies. Her techniques combine modern science with traditional healing and wisdom to produce a holistic path to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This type of treatment has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. Modern medicine often focuses on relieving symptoms, rather than addressing the root cause. Ancient healers felt this technique helped to address the primary cause of female and male complaints which prevented the progression of symptoms to chronic disease and allowing the body to use its innate ability to self-heal. For example, if a women’s uterus has shifted, or a man’s prostate is swollen, it can potentially restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses, and energy (chi) through the abdomen. Ancient Maya healers felt this was the leading cause of many common female and male reproductive oriented issues, as well as digestive and urinary issues, and a host of seemingly unrelated ailments. In ancient times, no healing was complete without abdominal massage.

Benefits of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

For Women

•Realigns a tilted or prolapsed uterus or bladder

•Relieves symptoms of PMS: Including menstrual cramps, depression, low back ache

•Regulates irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

•Helps relieve painful menstruation and ovulation

•Relieves symptoms of endometriosis

•Aids in dissolving ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids

•Regulates abnormal uterine bleeding

•Aids in preventing recurrent bladder or yeast infections

•Assists with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers

•Relieves symptoms of perimenopause and menopause

•Aids in attaining pregnancies for women who are having difficulty becoming and/or staying pregnant

For Men

•Alleviates symptoms of mild prostatitis (frequent, painful and/or difficult urination, incomplete evacuation of urine, pain in low back)

•Reduces prostate swelling in some cases of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

•Alleviates male impotence and erectile dysfunction (depending on the causes)

For Everyone

•Relieves chronic headaches/migraines

•Relieves common digestive disorders, such as reflux and heartburn

•Aids in increasing general energy levels

•Alleviates symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

•Alleviates symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

•Aids in reduction of chronic constipation

•Relieves chronic low back pain

•Relieves restricted breathing due to tension

What to Expect During your Session

Initial Session

During your initial visit, I spend time discussing your health history and the primary reason for your visit. You will receive a full Arvigo® treatment, which focuses on the low back, hips, sacrum, abdomen, and for women her uterus. At the end of your treatment, you learn the self care massage that you can do at home as well as other supportive therapies that may benefit you. The Self care massage is one of the most important aspects of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®. Practicing self care massage will help increase the benefits of this work, encourage you to tune into your own body, and give you confidence in taking care of YOU!

Follow Up Sessions

During your follow up sessions, I will check back in with each other regarding your health. You will receive another full Arvigo® treatment. We will review Self Care Massage and the other supportive therapies to see how it is working for you. I recommend people setting up about 3 – 5 sessions to receive the most optimal benefits. Then, following up with a maintenance Arvigo® treatment from time to time. You will typically become in tune with your body, and you will know when it is time for an ATMAT session.

This Treatment Cannot Be Performed

•First 6 weeks Postpartum

•Within 12 weeks of any Abdominal Surgery

•When taking pain medications

•When any infection is present within the body

•If you have an IUD

•During menstruation

Arvigo® Therapy for Preconception Health/Fertility

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® support women as they prepare their bodies for conception, helping to optimize conception with a holistic approach. I encourage a three month period of uterine rest and self care where you are actively avoiding conception to prepare the uterus and your body for pregnancy. However, the work can also be received while a women is actively open to conception. The best time to receive your first session of ATMAT for Fertility is between menstruation and ovulation.

Arvigo® Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Many women benefit from receiving regular Arvigo® sessions throughout their pregnancy and postpartum recovery. ATMAT can help to strengthen and normalize uterine function, provide emotional support during your pregnancy, and help support healing after childbirth. I recommend monthly sessions throughout your pregnancy and returning for a follow up 6 weeks after birth.

Causes of a Displaced Uterus

•Repeated pregnancies close together

•Difficult deliveries

•Carrying heavy burdens just before or during menstruation and too soon after childbirth

•Poor professional care during pregnancy, delivery, postpartum

•Running on cement surfaces

•Injury to tailbone or sacrum from a fall

•Car accident or severe blow

•Chronic constipation

•Poor alignment of pelvic bones with the spinal column

•Aging and the pull of gravity of ligaments

•Emotional armoring from rape, sexual abuse, or incest during your life

Symptoms of a Displaced Uterus

•Dysmenorrhea or painful menses

•Dark spotting before or after your period

•Blood clots during menstruation and excessive bleeding

•Headaches or migraines with menses

•PMS and depression

•Chronic miscarriages, difficult pregnancies, incompetent uterus


•Irregular menstruation and ovulation


•Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

•Frequent urination, reoccurring bladder and yeast infections

•Varicosities in the legs and hemorrhoids

•Tired, weak legs, sore heals when walking

•Low back ache

•Painful intercourse

•Endometriosis and Endometritis

•Uterine polyps, fibroids, infections

•Undiagnosed pelvic pain

•Difficult perimenopause and menopause

•Cancer of the cervix, uterus, or colon


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Updated Pricing Jan. 1, 2023