Appointments Available 60 Days In Advance

Many people don’t realize I’m a One-Woman Show. Due to high volume, I’ve had to make some changes to how people book. Appointments open up 60 days in advance for people to schedule appointments. If the dates are grayed out, it means they are either booked or not open yet. If you would like to […]

Your First Period Story

“It shouldn’t have to be a secret.” Do you remember the first time you got your period? What was that experience like for you? Did you feel alone, or did you feel celebrated? Do you wish you would have known something different . . . perhaps something more?  My Activism Project, one of my graduation […]

Womankind Massage is Moving!

This is a friendly reminder that I’ll be relocating to Cool Springs on September 1st! This move has been in the making for a long time, and it’s finally here! I’ve dreamt of being in a place like this for over a decade, a place where high quality and deeply authentic practitioners are under one roof. The […]

Womankind Massage is Relocating!

I have exciting news! I will be relocating my office to Cool Springs on September 1st! These opportunities don’t come around too often, and I feel so fortunate to be able to make this move. I will be relocating my business inside of Tennessee Alternative Medicine. It’s been a long time dream of mine, like […]

“Massage Drunk”

Have you ever been “Massage Drunk”?

Updated Pricing Jan. 1, 2023